Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating
User Rating: 4.56/5.00
4 reviews.      Add a review
Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating

Tuesday 6th November 2018 @ 08:52

  • What do you think of this item?:
    I have one of these and am reasonably happy with it.
Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating

Wednesday 3rd July 2019 @ 15:00

  • What do you think of this item?:
    I do not have one of these but would like to own one.
Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating

Thursday 1st August 2019 @ 11:15

  • How would you describe the quality of this item?:
    Excellent Quality.
  • How would you describe the desirability of this item?:
    Very desirable.
Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating

Wednesday 24th November 2021 @ 04:40
